Social and Human Sciences with a Practical Approach



With regard to the designation of the year 2014 as "the year of economy and culture" by the Supreme Leader of Iran, and with respect to the memorandum of understanding signed between the Institute for Science and Technology and the Institute for Humanities and Cultural Studies this faculty was established. Faculty of Social and Human Sciences with a Practical Approach comprises of three departments:


  • Innovation Studies (related to national system of innovation, applying and publicizing innovations, and research networks in human and social sciences)
  • Monitoring and Evaluation Studies (related to methods for monitoring and evaluation, advancement of science and knowledge, effective factors, evaluating economic, social and legislative works)
  • Meta-disciplinary Studies (Studies on the nature of meta-disciplinary, interdisciplinary, multi-disciplinary, comparative and social studies)



  • Promoting meta-disciplinary studies in order to achieve policies and activities consistent with different aspects of cultural, economic, social and political life;
  • Making the research projects and the experiences of the faculty members of the Institute applicable;
  • Taking problem oriented approaches and strategies to solve fundamental problems of humanities and culture.
  • to undertake and encourage "problem oriened applicable and meta-disciplinary research projects in human, social and cultural sciences in order to make national policies of the country more efficient.
  • Optimal use of the facilities, human and scientific resources and research potentials of the Institute in solving problems and meeting the needs of the country in human, social and cultural sciences;
  • Interacting with the public and private sectors to attract financial support and to use services and the research potentials of the Institute to meet the needs of the country;
  • Developing and supporting projects which address the problems and requirements of the country related to human, social and cultural sciences;
  • Contributing to the institutionalization and promotion of the culture of collaborative, applied, joint and need-based research in society;
  • Strengthening the relationship between the Institute and  the society in order to find solutions and meet the demands of the country.

Scientific and Administrative Activities

  • Holding a series of meetings and lectures;
  • Holding workshops.
Last Update At : 04 February 2018