Language and Literature



Faculty of Language and Literature is the oldest unit in the Institute for Humanities and Cultural Studies. In 1972, the Iranian Cultural Foundation founded the Research Center for Iranian Culture in order to train researchers in linguistics, literature, and cultural history. In 1981, a department named Persian Language and Literature was formed in substitution, which continued the researches done by the Iranian Cultural Foundation and afterwards this department changed to a faculty which is now called the faculty of Language and Literature; it currently has 18 faculty members and 9 research experts in 5 research departments, namely Fundamental Research, Interdisciplinary Research, Literary Research on Different Subjects, Translation, and Literature and Social Applications.


  • Maintaining ancient texts and preventing their destruction by correcting and adding marginal notes;
  • Preserving ancient Persian language and vocabulary (and their correct use) by compiling dictionaries of ancient and contemporary Persian;
  • Conducting fundamental research in various fields of literature in cooperation with other centers and faculties of literature inside and outside the country;
  • Conducting comprehensive research on contemporary literature namely fiction, drama, humor, poetry, etc.
  • Conducting comprehensive research on standard Persian language to improve and organize the language of mass media;
  • Training experts in above-mentioned fields;


Scientific, Research and Educational Activities

  • 51 completed projects and 15 ongoing research projects;
  • Holding  lectures, workshops and  conferences;
  • Publishing 62 books and 104 articles;
  • Receiving 2 academic awards for publishing the following books:
  • Kifayah Al-Tib by AbolfazlHabish-al-Taflisi, the twentieth festival of the book of the season in Medicine, 2012;
  • Zanan-e Sha-er darTarikh-e Adab-e Farsi ta Sade-ye Hashtom-e Hejri (The Female Poets in Persian Literature until Eighth Century AH), first volume, winner of the Parvin Etesami Literary Award, September, 2016;
  • Holding MA courses in Persian Language and Literature and Arabic Language and Literature and PhD courses in Persian language and literature;
  • Publishing the journals Adabyat-e Parsi-e Moaser (Contemporary Persian Literature), and Kohanname-ye Adab-e Parsi (Ancient Persian Literature), and Afaq Al-Hezarah Al-Islamyah.
Last Update At : 04 February 2018