The titles of the lectures on COVID 19 presented at the Institute for Humanities and Cultural Studies during the past year

17 April 2021 | 12:01 Code : 20694 Events





Scientific secretary

1- Pandemic COVID 19 and the Future of International Relations from the Perspective of International Relations Theories.

The Political Science Group of the Humanities Texts and Books review Council at the Institute for Humanities and Cultural Studies and the Futures studies Institute of Imam Khomeini International University of Qazvin

March10, 2021

- Dr. Amir Mohammad Haji Yousefi, Associate Professor of International Relations, Shahid Beheshti University

- Dr. Hakem Ghasemi, Associate Professor of Political Science and the Head of the Future Research Institute, Imam Khomeini International University, Qazvin

- Dr. Farhad Daneshnia, Associate Professor of International Relations, Razi University of Kermanshah

- Dr. Alireza Rezaei, Associate Professor of International Relations, Islamic Azad University of Hamadan

Dr. Mokhtar Nouri, Secretary of the Political Science Group of the Humanities Texts and Books review Council.

2- Effective Interaction of Journalists and the Health System during the Covid19 Epidemic

Department of Cultural Studies and Communication and Asian Cultural Research, in collaboration with the UNESCO Chair of Science Communication and the Association for Cultural Studies and Communication

March 6, 2021

-Dr. Hamid Souri Professor of Shahid Beheshti University of Medical Sciences Epidemiologist, Chairman of the Corona Epidemiology Committee

Dr. Zarrin Zardar Faculty member of Allameh Tabatabai University

3- The Corona Crisis and the Challenges of Western Socio-Political Philosophy

With the efforts of the “Basij”, faculty members of the Institute for Humanities and Cultural Studies and with the participation of researchers, scholars and faculty members of educational and research institutes, the national conference  was held

March 2, 2021

- Dr. Yahya Fawzi, Faculty Member of the Research Institute and Secretary of the Scientific Committee of the Conference,

- Dr. Hossein Ali Ghobadi, Director of the Institute for Humanities and Cultural Studies

- Dr. Mojtaba Zarei, head of the country's teachers' mobilization

- Dr. Musa Najafi, Faculty Member and Head of the Research Institute for Political, Revolution and Islamic Civilization,

- Dr. Hamid Parsania, Faculty Member of the University of Tehran and Member of the Supreme Council of the Cultural Revolution,

Dr. Ziviar, faculty member of the institute for Humanities and Cultural Studies

4-Regeneration of theology in the post-Corona era

Quran Studies Department at Institute for Humanities and Cultural Studies

Feb. 24, 2021

- Dr. Saeedeh Mirsadari; Researcher and PhD at Paderborn University:”From the Lisbon earthquake to the global pandemic; The effect of natural evil on theological mutations”

- Dr. Naimeh Pourmohammadi, Assistant Professor of Philosophy of Religion at University of Religions and Denominations: Can we talk about disease theology and pathological theology?

- Dr. Jafar Nekounam, Professor at Qom University: "The Impact of a Pandemic on Mythical Readings of the Holy Text".

- Dr. Seyed Mohammad Ali Ayazi assistant professor at the Islamic Azad University, Science and Research Branch. "The need to rethink the foundations of religiosity in the post-Corona era".

- Dr. Mehdi Esfahani - Assistant Professor of the Institute for Humanities and Cultural Studies : "Understanding of the self and the regeneration of theology

- Dr. Hadi Vakili, Associate Professor of the Institute of Humanities and Cultural Studies "Theology of Answer; From Theology of Silence to Revolutionary and Creative Theology »

- Dr. Ahmad Paktachi; Associate Professor of the Institute for Humanities and Cultural Studies and Ambassador of Iran to UNESCO: "Existential Experiences of the Corona Period and Its Impact on the Post-Corona Collective Religiosity"

- Dr. Mehrab Sadeghnia, Assistant Professor, University of Religions and Denominations "The need for new theology in the post-Corona world

- Dr. Abdolmajid Moblaghi, Assistant Professor, Institute for Humanities and Cultural Studies: "Corona Challenge and Theological Dialogue on a Global Scale

- Dr. Seyed Mohammad Hadi Gerami : “The Dual Effect of Corona on Religious Rites "

Dr. Forough Parsa; Associate Professor of the Institute for Humanities and Cultural Studies and Director of the department of Quran Studies.

5- Economic effects of corona virus: Futuristic study

Economic group of the Humanities Texts and Books review Council at the Institute for Humanities and Cultural Studies and international economic pole of Esfehan university and economic department of tarbiyat modarres university

Feb. 18, 2021

Key speakers:

-Dr. Hosseinali Qhobadi, head of Institute for Humanities and Cultural Studies

- Ayatollah mesbah Yazdi, member of Expediency Council

-Dr. Gholamreza Mesbahi Moghaddam, Member of the Islamic Consultative Assembly

Dr. seyyed Hossein Mirjalili

6- corona and social responsibility

Social study department, Institute for Humanities and Cultural Studies

Dec. 14, 2020

- Dr. Seyyed Mohammad Beheshtian(The psychological consequence of corona)

- Dr. Bahare Nasiri(Corona and bio-human and moral requirements in the media world)

- Dr. Mohammad Salar Kasrai(Political Sociology; Social responsibility of governments)

- Dr. Nematollah Fazeli(Social Sciences and Corona; A successful experience)

7- Covid 19 Epidemic; Philosophical Considerations on the Interaction of Science and Technology and Ethics.

Philosophy of Science and Technology group, department of Western Studies

Dec. 13 2020

- Dr. Gholamhossein Moghaddam Heidari (Epidemic, Quarantine and Medical Political Power, Social Historical Approach)

- Dr. Alireza Mansouri (Interaction of Science and Technology and Ethics in Policy Making Regarding the Covid 19)

- Dr. Hamidreza Namazi (Corona Crisis and Health-Based Paradoxes)

- Dr. Alireza Monajemi (The Scientific Challenges of Pandemic Coveid 19)

Dr. Alireza Monajemi

8- Corona and its Communication Effects.

On the occasion of the research week, Department of Communication and Cultural Studies was held a specialized panel

Dec. 13 2020

- Dr. Ghodsi Bayat (faculty member of Allameh Tabatabai University) with the title of Corona Pandemic and its communication teachings in Iran

-Dr. Akram Ghadimi (faculty member of the Center for Scientific Policy) with the title of the importance of promoting science in Eliminate pseudo-science during the 19th century

- Dr. Bashir Motamedi (Faculty Member of the Institute for Humanities and Cultural Studies) with the title of Religious Relations and Corona

Dr. Zahra Ojagh, Faculty Member of the Institute for Humanities and Cultural Studies

9- Corona and its Legal Dimensions and Consequences.

Special panel for corona problem

Dec. 20, 2020

- Dr. Behzad Poursaid, faculty member of Imam Sadegh (AS) University and member of Jurisprudence and Law Working Group :"Legal Impacts of Corona virus Prevalence on Fulfillment of Contractual Obligations"

 - Dr. Tavakol Habibzadeh, faculty member of Imam Sadegh (AS) University and the director of Jurisprudence and Law Working Group: "The Impact of US Secondary Sanctions on Commitment to Cooperation with Other Governments in Combating Cove 19 Disease"

- Dr. Baqer Ansari, Faculty Member of Shahid Beheshti University and Member of Jurisprudence and Law Working Group : "Privacy Challenges Against Corona"

Dr. Tavakol Habibzadeh, faculty member of Imam Sadegh (AS) University

10- Quarantine, Corona and Online Biology of Adolescents

Department of Cultural Studies and Communication in collaboration with the UNESCO Chair of Communication Science and the Association for Cultural Studies and Communication was held this session.

Dec. 23, 2020

Masoumeh Taghizadegan Faculty Member, Department of Communication, Institute for Humanities and Cultural Studies


11- The Criticism of Iranian Behavior in the Face of Covid 19.

A specialized meeting was held by the Anthropology Department of the Council for the Study of Texts and Books of the Humanities as a webinar (virtual).

Dec. 17, 2020

- Dr. Hadi Vakili (Head of the Anthropology Department of the Council for the Study of Texts and faculty member of the Institute for Humanities and Cultural Studies), entitled: "The Confrontation of Religion in the Style of Religious Behavior in the Face of Covid 19"

-Dr. Mehrdad Arabestani faculty member of University of Tehran) entitled: "Fundamentals of Inconsistent Behavior"

- Dr. Hamed Vahdati-Nasab (Department of Anthropology of the Text Review Council and faculty member of Tarbiat Modares University) entitled: "Human, Corona and Natural Selection"

- Dr. Parisa Goodarzi (Member of the Anthropology Department of the Text Review Council) Entitled: "The Moral Crisis of Iranian Society, Especially Children Facing Covid 19"

- Dr. Ali Motavalizadeh Ardakani (member of the Anthropology Department of the Council for the Study of Texts and  faculty member of the Academy of Sciences) :"The Necessity of Positivism in Historical Studies".

Dr. Mohsen Shabani (Secretary of the Anthropology Department of the Text Review Council.

12- The Social Responsibility of Art in the Corona Crisis.

Art Department of the Humanities Texts and books Review Council

Dec. 17, 2020

- Dr. Maryem Kamyar, member of Art Department of the Humanities Texts and books Review Council

- Dr. Jamal Arabzade(member of Art Department of the Humanities Texts and books Review Council


13- The Economic lessons of the Corona Crisis.

This session was held by Department of Economics and Management at the Institute for Humanities and Cultural Studies - in line with the mission of the Institute to follow the current challenges of the country and provide practical solutions to solve these challenges - and with the presence of professors and economic experts inside and outside the country, virtually (webinar).

Dec. 13, 2020

- Dr. Ahmad Jafari Samimi (Faculty of Economics, Mazandaran University)

- Dr. Leila Sadat Zafaranchi (Faculty of Economics, Institute for Humanities and Cultural Studies)

- Dr. Majid Afshari Rad (Faculty of Economics, Kharazmi University)

- Dr. Musa Tatar (Researcher, University of Utah, USA) )

- Dr. Mohammad Ali Abu Torabi (Faculty of Economics, Institute for Humanities and Cultural Studies)

 -Dr. Mehdi Zahedgharavi (Faculty of Economics, Ayatollah Boroujerdi University)

Dr. Jalal Montazeri Shurkchali (Faculty of Economics, Institute for Humanities and Cultural Studies

14- Opportunities and Challenges of the Teleworking (work from home) during the Corona Pandemic

During the research week at the Institute for Humanities and Cultural Studies, a specialized meeting was held by department of Economics and Management with regard to the need to address the socio-economic problem of corona prevalence in the country and held

Dec. 12, 2020

- Dr. Farzaneh Mirshah Velayati, faculty member of the Institute for Humanities and Cultural Studies: "Technological Implications for Facilitating Teleworking in the Corona Crisis."

- Dr. Elham Ebrahimi, faculty member of the Institute for Humanities and Cultural Studies: "Corona crisis and the development of telecommuting in Iran and the world"

- Dr. Babak Zandedelnobri :"Telework experiences in the National Archives and Library of Iran (before and after the Corona epidemic)"

- Dr. Mojgan Roshannejad, faculty member of the Institute for Humanities and Cultural Studies: "Teleworking: Challenges and Opportunities for Advancing Human Resource Management".

Leila Sadat Zafaranchi, chair of the expert meeting and faculty member of the Institute for Humanities and Cultural Studies, referred to the issue of the Corona pandemic and the need to pay attention to its economic effects, especially in the field of labor market, and referred to the "teleworking" strategy as a policy adopted by governments to reconcile the livelihoods and health of nations.

15- The Methods of Social Research in the Corona and post-Corona Eras: Developments and Challenges

The Social Sciences Group of the Humanities Texts and books Review Council was held this webinar.

Dec.15, 2020

- Dr. Abu Ali Vadadhir (Faculty Member and Associate Professor of Anthropology and Health Studies, University of Tehran): "Value and Capability of Qualitative Research and Narrative Research in the Covid-19 Ara and Beyond".

 - Dr. Tavakol Aghayarihir Associate Professor of the Department of Social Sciences, University of Tabriz: "Methodological Challenges and the Development of Alternative Data Collection Strategies in the Corona time"

Mohammad Abbaszadeh (Member of the Social Sciences group of the Text and books Review Council – Faculty member  of the Department of Social Sciences, University of Tabriz

16- The Management in the Corona and post-Corona Eras.

Management Group of the Humanities Texts and books Review Council held The Program of specialized management webinars in the Corona and post-Corona eras

Dec. 12-17, 2020

- Dr. Tahmine Nategh(faculty member of Islamic Azad university, Shahrud Branch): Occupational status in the corona and post-corona eras

- Dr. Elahe Azizi(Industrial Management Organization): Corona Impact on Working Women

- Dr. Adel Salevati(faculty member of Islamic Azad university, Sanandaj Branch): Human resource coaching in the Corona era

-Dr. Ali Davari( faculty member of Tehran University): Employee telecommuting: Risks and strategies

- Dr. Hassan Budlai(faculty member of Tehran University):Corona and Start ups.

- Dr. Alireza Kushki Jahromi(faculty member of Alame Tabatabai university): Digital Human Resource Management and the Corona Crisis

- Dr. mehdi Sanei

- Dr. Ahmad Shojaiyan

17- Experiences of humanities and arts in today's society

On the occasion of the research week of the Encyclopaedia Research Institute

Dec. 15, 2020

- Dr. Ahmad Paktachi(head of the Encyclopaedia Research Institute): Analysis of the concept and structure of the futuristic encyclopedia.

- Dr. Masud Rezai(faculty member of Encyclopaedia Research Institute): Corona and the environment.

- Dr. Asghar Esmaili(faculty member of Encyclopaedia Research Institute): Cultural relations between Iran and India in Persian literature

- Dr. Andia Nemati(faculty member of Encyclopaedia Research Institute): A review of the long-standing role of copper in human life and health to combat the corona virus

Dr. Dr. Masud Rezai(faculty member of Encyclopaedia Research Institute)

18- Corona and Interdisciplinary Subjects in Linguistics

On the occasion of the research week, the panel "Corona and interdisciplinary subjects in linguistics" was held.

Dec. 13. 2020

- Dr. gholi Famian(faculty member of Payame nur): Corona as a multidisciplinary subject

 - Dr. Shahram Modarres Khiabani(faculty member of Islamic Azad university karaj branch): Analysis of the body of the Covid 19 News Foundation in the Iranian press

- Dr. Atusa Rostambek( faculty member at Institute for Humanities and Cultural Studies): Analysis of the discourse of the body based on the news of the Qovid 19 epidemic in the Iranian press.

 - Dr. Masud Qayyumi (faculty member at Institute for Humanities and Cultural Studies): Corona Portal: Necessity and Application

 Dr. Huriye Ahadi (faculty member at Institute for Humanities and Cultural Studies): Virtual education of speech and language disorders in the corona

Dr. Masud Qayyumi (faculty member at Institute for Humanities and Cultural Studies)

19- Corona and Social Responsibility

On the occasion of the research week, webinar was held by Social Studies Department at Institute for Humanities and Cultural Studies.

Dec. 14, 2020

- Dr. Nematullah Fazeli (faculty member at Institute for Humanities and Cultural Studies): Social Sciences and Corona; A successful experience

- Dr. Mohammad Salar Kasraei, (faculty member at Institute for Humanities and Cultural Studies): Corona and Governance

- Dr. Mohammad Beheshtian, (faculty member at Institute for Humanities and Cultural Studies): Management of Anxiety and Obsession due to Corona Epidemic

- Dr. Bahareh Nasiri, (faculty member at the Institute for Humanities and Cultural Studies): Corona and Biohuman and Ethical Requirements in the Media World

Dr. Nematullah Fazeli (faculty member at Institute for Humanities and Cultural Studies).

20- Pandemic Covid 19 and Museums: Challenges and Opportunities

On the occasion of the research week was held by history department of the Institute for Humanities and Cultural Studied

Dec. 14, 2020

Dr. Safoura Boroumand(faculty member at Institute for Humanities and Cultural Studies)

Dr. Reza Dabirinejad(faculty member at Institute for Humanities and Cultural Studies)

 Member of Dr. Abdolrahman Hassanifar(faculty member of the Institute for Humanities and Cultural Studied

21- Iran's vision for the next century

On the occasion of the research week was held by history department of the Institute for Humanities and Cultural Studied

Dec. 14, 2020

- Dr. shirinkam (faculty member at Institute for Humanities and Cultural Studies): Lived experience and a look at the future of the history of economic institutions in Iran.

- Dr. Alireza Mollai Tavani faculty member at Institute for Humanities and Cultural Studies): Fifteenth century and the necessity of the transition from positivism

Dr. Alireza Mollai Tavani

22- Experiences of humanities and arts in today's society

On the occasion of the research week this webinar was held by Encyclopedia Research Department of the Institute for Humanities and Cultural Studied

Dec. 14, 2020

- Dr. Mostafa Mehraein

Existential research versus objectivist research The need to go from problem to mystery

- Dr. Nazila Daryaee

Soroush Naghsh in Persian Carpet

- Dr. Maryam Kamyar

Evaluating the effect of functional strategies of art and architecture in cultivating public taste

- Dr. Hassan Majidian

Lessons that Corona teaches us

- Dr. Vahid Ghahraman

Semantics in translation

Dr. Masud Rezai (faculty member)Encyclopedia Research Department of the Institute for Humanities and Cultural Studied

23- The role of humanities research in solving cultural issues

On the occasion of the research week this webinar was held by department of Contemporary Culture at the Institute for Humanities and Cultural Studied

Dec. 13, 2020

- Dr.Malek Shojaei (faculty member of the Institute for Humanities and Cultural Studied): Lessons from Corona for the Philosophy of the Humanities

- Dr. Mohammad Mehdi Ardabili(faculty member of the Institute for Humanities and Cultural Studied): Corona as a cultural issue

Dr. Zohre Memari (department of Contemporary Culture at the Institute for Humanities and Cultural Studied)

24- The Social Responsibility of Art in the Corona Crisis

Art group of the Humanities Texts and books Review Council was held this webinar.

Dec. 10, 2020

- Dr. Mohammadali Merati: Human-Social Responsibility of Music in the Corona era; Analytical Psychomusicology

- Dr. Maryam Kahvand : Virtual and online art education and its visual dimensions

- Dr. Massoud Soflaei: Cinema in the new era of the challenges of artistic life related to the community of experiences of Iran and the world


25- Social Distance and Emotional Relationships

Institute for Humanities and Cultural Studies, in collaboration with the UNESCO Chair of Communication Science and the Association for Cultural Studies and Communication held this virtual meeting

Dec. 2, 2020

Dr. Safavifar: Quarantine is not new to us!

Dr. Seyede Zahra Ojagh (faculty member of the Institute for Humanities and Cultural Studies

26- Individual and Social Responsibilities of Muslims in the face of corona disease.

The Asian Cultural Documentation Center was held this webinar at the Institute for Humanities and Cultural Studies

Nov. 29, 2020

- Ayatollah Haj Sheikh Mohammad Javad Khalsi (Iraq)

- Dr. Mohammad Ali Fathullah

- Hojjat-ul-Islam Sheikh Jamal Hussain (Myanmar)

- Hojjat-ul-Islam keuveranger (Uganda)

- Hojjat-ul-Islam Sayyid Nusrat Ali Jafari (India)

-Dr. Kamyar Sadaqat Samar


27- Public Relations of Iran and Corona Pandemic.

The Management Group of the Humanities Texts and Books Review Council organized this virtual meeting with the aim of analyzing the role of organizations' public relations in Iran in the face of Covid 19,

Nov. 14, 2020

- Dr. Hossein Emami (President of the Iranian Association of Public Relations Specialists),

- Dr. Mansour Saei (Assistant Professor in Institute for Humanieties and Cultural Studies)

 - Mojgan Jazizadeh Karimi (Head of Public Relations of the Corona Disease Management Command


28- Corona and government Function

Management Group of the Humanities Texts and Books Review Council held this webinar

Dec.16, 2020

- Dr. Habib Ebrahimpour

Re-engineering the structure of government in the corona and post-corona eras (Mohaghegh Ardabili University)

- Dr. Zahra Masoumi

 Corona crisis and the capacity to implement health policies PhD in public administration and lecturer at University

- Dr. Abbas Abbasi

Social responsibility of governments, nations and companies in the corona and post-corona days ( Shiraz University).

- Dr. Fatemeh Heidari

Conflict of interests of health managers in the corona crisis (Ahvaz University of Medical Sciences).

- Hossein Ali Najafi PhD student in management , Hamid Malaki PhD student in Management

The role of call centers in the days of Corona

 - Mehdi Sanei

Corona and worthy governance

 Islamic Azad University, Shahroud Branch

29- Corona and Family Oriented test.

Women's Studies Research Group of  the Social Studies department at Institute for Humanities and Cultural Studies in collaboration with the Institute of Culture, Arts and Communications and the Institute of Cultural Heritage and Tourism was held Virtual Specialized Meeting

Oct. 27, 2020

Dr. Abdolkarim Khayami Professor and faculty member

Dr. Bashir Motamedi faculty member of Institute for Humanities and Cultural Studies

30- Iranian media and the Sudden Corona.

Department of Cultural Studies and Communication at  the Institute for  Humanities and Cultural Studies

Oct. 5, 2020

- Dr. Hassan Namakdoost (Director of Education of Hamshahri Institute).

-Dr. Omid Jahanshahi (PhD in Media Management)

- Dr. Saeed Arkanzadeh (PhD in Communication and Journalism),

Dr. Mansour Saei faculty member of the Institute for  Humanities and Cultural Studies

31- Corona, Quarantine in the Context of Women's Narrative.

Women's Studies Research Group of  Social Studies department at Institute for Humanities and Cultural Studies in collaboration with the Institute of Culture, Arts and Communications and the Institute of Cultural Heritage and Tourism held Virtual Specialized Meeting

Oct. 21, 2020

- Dr. Elham Malekzadeh (Faculty Member of the Institute for Humanities and Cultural Studies)

- Dr. Somayeh Tajik Esmaili (Faculty Member of Islamic Azad University).

Dr. Somayeh Tajik Esmaili (Faculty Member of Islamic Azad University).

32- Corona, Poverty, Unemployment and Social Protection.

Social Sciences group of the Humanities Texts and Books review council held this meeting

Oct. 20, 2020

- Dr. Zahra Karimi(faculty member of Mazanderan university): Corona Women and Poverty

- Dr. Roozbeh Kordoni(head of social security Institute): Corona and policy responses to poverty

- Dr. Alaeddin Azoji(director of Employment Policy and Development Office of the Ministry of Labor): Consequences of the Corona outbreak on employment and income structure.

Dr. Mohammad Fazeli( faculty member of Shahid Beheshti university)

 33- Art in Crisis.

The Office of International Scientific Cooperation of the Institute for Humanities and Cultural Studies, with the participation of Iranian and foreign artists and researchers

Aug. 2, 2020

- Samir, Wissam and Adnan are three brothers from the city of Ramallah, three oud players who play the message of Palestine to the people of the world in the form of musical notes and show their experience in a more deep-rooted crisis.

- Aldo Sebastian Chicini, a 32-year-old Italian violinist living in Milan, a member of the Italian National Orchestra, started a concert called "Balcony Concert" with his evening rehearsals on the balcony of his house, which was seen millions of times in cyberspace.

- Babak Rajabi, a 38-year-old Iranian musician living in France who has been seriously involved in applied art for several years, was the first to perform mostly humorous poems about the corona in the form of lines of Iranian music called the Coronation.

- Navid Naderi(PhD in Literature (Literary Theory and Cultural Studies) from Duke University in North Carolina):Has the Corona crisis fundamentally caused a difference in the way music is produced in the world of music?

- Aydin Keykhahi(faculty member of the Institute for Humanities and Cultural Studies):Truth and falsehood.

- Dr. Mohammad Mehdi Ardebili(faculty member of the Institute for Humanities and Cultural Studies):Hope for Art

Dr. Mazdak Rajabi( faculty member of Shahid Beheshti University): Acceleration as central action and proportional suspension

Dr. Ruhollah Hosseini(Faculty member of the department of World Studies, University of Tehran)

34- Corona Reflection in Bangladeshi Culture and Art.

the Asian Cultural Documentation Center

Jul. 20, 2020

- Dr.Mohammad Mamita Al-Rasheed(faculty member of Daka university):Corona reflection in Bangladeshi poetry.

Dr.MohammadKamaloddin(faculty member of Rajshahi university):Changing the behavior and cultural habits of the people of Bangladesh in the days of Corona

Dr. Mohammad Najjari

35- Corona and the Philosophy of  E-learning.

The Educational Sciences Group of the Text Review Council, in collaboration with the Philosophy of Education Association, held a series of "Corona and Philosophy of Virtual Education" meetings.

Jul. 13. 2020

- Dr. Alireza Sadeghzadeh, Head of the Educational Sciences Department of the Council for the Study of Humanities Texts and Books

- Dr. Babak Shamshiri, Faculty member of Shiraz University and Member of the Board of the Iranian Philosophy of Education Association

Dr. Habib Rahimpur Azghandi

36- Corona Reflection in Asian Songs

The Asian Cultural Documentation Center held a webinar on the Institute for Humanities and Cultural Studies. The meeting was attended by 27 guests from Iran, Tajikistan and Sweden.

Jun. 16, 2020

- Dr Ebrahim Khodayar(faculty member of Tarbiat Modarres University):Analysis and formulation of Uzbek cultural space in the face of the Corona virus

- Dr. Maryam Sadat Fayazi, (faculty member of the University of Guilan): "Comparative Analysis of Iranian and Afghan Songs in the Corona Period"

Dr. Mohammad Najjari

37- Corona, Lifestyle and Femininity

Women's Studies Research Group of  Social Studies department at Institute for Humanities and Cultural Studies

May 2, 2020

- Dr. Somayeh Tajik Ismaili(faculty member of Islamic Azad University)

- Dr. Sarvanaz Tarbiati faculty member of Islamic Azad University)


38- Human- Social Dimensions of the Corona Problem in Iran

Encyclopedia Department of Institute for Humanities and Cultural Studies

May 30- Jun. 2, 2020

Philosophical reflections on the Corona crisis,

Socio-historical approach to the corona problem,

Psychological considerations regarding the corona problem,

Corona, Humanities and Medicine, Corona,

Labor market and organizational strategies,

  A multidisciplinary approach to the corona problem,

  Corona and training,

Women, Corona and human-social and cultural dimensions,

  Natural Sciences and Humanities in Corona (offline),

  Iranian school education system in Corona test,

  The image of Iran's higher education system in the post-Corona era,

  Family space management in coronary conditions with an educational psychological approach


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