Institute’s suggestions in the first meeting of Iranian and Spanish universities

12 February 2021 | 15:22 Code : 20489 news Events


The first official meeting of the representatives of Iran and Spain universities, with the efforts of Allameh Tabatabai University and with the presence of representatives of Tehran, Elm-o-Sanat, Al-Zahra, Bouali Sina, Gilan, Yazd universities, as well as the Institute for Humanities and Cultural Studies and the Institute of Wisdom and Philosophy by Iran. Representatives of the Universities of Alicante, Autonomous University of Madrid, Complutense, Yida, Nabricha, Santiago de Compostela, the Foundation for the Three Mediterranean Cultures and the Casa Asia Institute were held on Wednesday, February 3, 2021.

The ambassadors of Iran and Spain and the representative of the Ministry of Science, Research and Technology in Iran and the president of Allameh Tabatabai University were among the other participants in this program. The main purpose of this gathering was to provide the ground for the expansion of dialogue and scientific cooperation between universities and scientific institutes from the two countries.

In this meeting, Dr. Shokooh Al-Sadat Hosseini (Director of the Office of International Scientific Cooperation of the Institute for Humanities and Cultural Studies) also presented the proposals of the Institute for Humanities. While thanking Allameh Tabatabai University for holding this meeting, he acknowledged: "The expansion of relations, especially at the international level, is a modern and fruitful intention, and while pointing to comparative studies and the need to provide a platform that provides early commonalities for cultural relations." This opportunity should provide a platform for comparative studies in these two languages. At the end of her lectures, she proposed to cooperate with Spanish universities as follows: Considering the long history and serious activity of the University of Santiago de Compostela in the field of intercultural studies, especially in the field of language, we propose the establishment of a joint Persian and Spanish comparative research center. We offer the same proposal to the Institute of Tri-Cultures in the field of fundamental studies. We are currently launching a portal to include all content produced during the Corona with conceptual categories and scientific meta-analysis. In this regard, we offer cooperation with the Asia House Institute. It is also suggested that, if possible, in the form of a consortium, a general memorandum of understanding be concluded between the 16 Iranian and Spanish universities and research institutes present at this meeting, in order to make maximum use of the existing capacities in each of them through network communication.

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