Introduction to Islamic Philosophy

07 December 2020 | 11:11 Code : 19993 news Events

The Office of International Scientific Cooperation of the Institute for Humanities and Cultural Studies in cooperation with the Ibn Sina Foundation - Moscow organizes:

Lecture: Introduction to Islamic Philosophy

With simultaneous translation into Russian

Dr. Amir Maziar, Dr. Ali Akbarzadeh and Dr. Maliheh Ehsani Nik

According to the need of Russian orientalists to get acquainted with Islamic philosophy, in this course we are going to study its different aspects. In this course, which is held in two parts and in the ZOOM environment, the following topics will be scrutinized:

Art and beauty in Islamic philosophy

Muslim philosophers, especially Peripatetic philosophers (Farabi, Ibn Sina, Ibn Rushd) have written poems modeled on Aristotle's poetry, the most important views of what we call art today can be found in these works. Apart from the art of poetry, which is dedicated to the definition of "the nature of poetry (art) and its ends and components", the other two central concepts in the art of these philosophers are "imagination" and "beauty". Muslim philosophers have developed theories around these three basic concepts, which, although of Aristotelian origin, have not been mentioned in Greek works and are appropriate to the atmosphere of poetry and art in Islamic civilization. In this course, we will briefly discuss the treatises of Muslim philosophers and their perception of imagination and beauty.

Mutazele; Past achievements, horizons ahead

The Mutazele are the first and most influential rationalist in the field of thought of the Islamic world. This movement was formed from the end of the second century and had its last official followers until the sixth century, but to this day, their views and ideas have been debated. With his rationalist approach, the Mutazele had many achievements for the world of Islamic civilization, and perhaps this is why in recent decades, thinkers have sought to revive this trend. "New Etezal" is a term used today by some rationalists, who are also generally secular, and it is necessary to recognize their intellectual bias for various reasons.

Eternal existence; Sadra's philosophy of existence as a plan for the resurrection

Sadr al-Din Shirazi, a theologian philosopher of the 11th century AH, is the founder of a philosophical system called transcendent wisdom. In his time, resolving the conflict between philosophy and religion was one of the serious issues in the important intellectual fields of Iran. One of the most important and agreed doctrinal principles of all Islamic religions and sects, the bodily resurrection - which has many narrations - was not rationally justified by philosophers and was explicitly considered irrational by the great fourth-century philosopher Ibn Sina. In this dialogue, we try to show how Sadr al-Din Shirazi builds a philosophical system and invents principles such as the originality of existence and the skepticism of existence in order to rationally prove the bodily resurrection.

Course topics and content:

Philosophy of Islamic Art

Mutazele; Past achievements, horizons ahead

Eternal existence; Sadra's philosophy of existence as a plan for the resurrection

With the aim of increasing theoretical knowledge, familiarity with different dimensions of Islamic philosophy

Participation in this course is useful for Russian Iranologists, students and those interested in philosophical topics, and for all specialists and those interested in the humanities.

Course duration: 6 hours (3 sessions of 2 hours) 3 days

Event time: Saturdays, 18/30 to 20/30 Date: 14 July 1399

The cost of this course: 2/500/000 Rials

Registration fee (with special discount due to social conditions): 1/000/000 Rials _ with discount: 800/000 Rials _ Research students: 400/000 Rials

By presenting a valid certificate approved by the Ministry of Science, Research and Technology with scientific and administrative value and translatable

For more information and registration:

Soroush Channel:

Center Telegram Channel: @ihcsoe

Consultation: 88624485

Send a message to 09036200266 if needed

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