Jalal Al-e-Ahmad from Arab Writers’ Point of View

27 November 2020 | 12:22 Code : 19934 news Events

On the occasion of Jalal Al-e-Ahmad’s birthday

Meeting Title: Jalal Al-e-Ahmad from Arab Writers’ Point of View

With a virtual visit to the Simin and Jalal’s House-Museum

The Office of Scientific and International Collaboration of the Institute for Humanities and Cultural Studies, in cooperation with the Language and Literature Research Institute and the Simin and Jalal’s House-Museum, is holding a celebration on the occasion of Jalal Al-e-Ahmad's birthday;

Professional meeting

Jalal Al-e-Ahmad from Arab Writers’ Point of View


Ali Zaeri (California Institute for International Studies)

Majed Marhaj Robat (Wasit University, Iraq)

Ahmed Jad (Suez Canal University, Egypt)

Masoumeh Nemati Qazvini (Institute for Humanities and Cultural Studies)

Reza Tavassoli (Director of Simin and Jalal’s House-Museum)

Secretary of the meeting: Shokooh Hosseini

With a virtual visit to the house - Simin and Jalal Museum

Tuesday, December 1, 2020 Time: 15:00 – 17:00

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tags: ihcs Jalal Al-e-Ahmad

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