S. M. Hadi Gerami

03 January 2022 | 12:10 Code : 21967 news

Curriculum Vitae (Oct. 2021)

S. M. Hadi Gerami
Address: 64th Street, Kordestan Expressway, Tehran, Iran
Tel: +98 21 88046891-3
Webpages: https://ihcs.academia.edu/gerami; ‪S. M. Hadi Gerami‬ - ‪Google Scholar‬‬‬‬‬
Email: m.h.gerami@ihcs.ac.ir; m.h.gerami@hotmail.com


Short Bio and Research Interests:
S. M. Hadi Gerami is Assistant Professor of Islamic and Qurʾānic Studies at the Institute for Humanities and Cultural Studies (IHCS) in Tehran. His co-authored volume Opposition to Philosophy in Safavid Iran: Mullā Muḥammad-Ṭāhir Qummī’s Ḥikmat al-ʿĀrifīn (Brill 2017) is about less-known aspects of Safavid intellectual history. He has also published several articles in English, Persian, and Arabic, and a number of books, such among others, as Nakhostīn Monāsebāt-e Fekri-ye Tashayyuʿ: Bāz-khāni-ye mafhūm-e gholoww dar Andīshe-ye jaryānhā-ye moteqaddem-e Emāmī (“The First Shiʿite Doctrinal Interactions Revisiting the Concept of Gholoww in the Thought of Early Shiʿi Social Networks”) and Nakhostīn Andīshe-hā-ye Ḥadīthī Shīʿa (“The Earliest Shiʿi Ideas on Ḥadīth”); for the latter, he was awarded the Farabi International Award on the Iranian and Islamic Studies in 2018. His research expertise lies in Islamic intellectual history, Iranian Studies, history of Shiʿism, history of ḥadīth as well as tafsīr, medieval Arabic philosophy, anthropology of religion, and theory and method in the study of religion.



Feb. 2011- Dec. 2016        PhD Islamic Studies (Quran & Hadith Studies) Imam Sadiq University, Tehran – Iran
Dissertation: Hadith Discourses among Early Imāmī networks
Supervisor: Prof. Ahmad Pakatchi

Oct. 2013 - Jan. 2015         MA "Intellectual Encounters of the Islamicate World”
Institute für Islamwissenschaft, Freie Universität Berlin, Germany,
Thesis: Between Shiʻism and Judaism in "Simāt" Prayer: Investigating the Cultural Encounters with Special Reference to the Oldest Book of "Simāt" Interpretation

Sept. 2008 ‐ Sept. 2010        MA Islamic studies (Qur’an & Hadith Studies), 
Imam Sadiq University, Tehran – Iran
Thesis: The Variable Concept of Exaggeration from the Perspective of Imāmīyyah in the first five Islamic Centuries and its Impact on understanding of the Early Biographical reports

Sept. 2003 ‐ Sept. 2008           BA Islamic studies (Qur’an & Hadith Studies) / Rank of ṣaṭh  in Shī‘ī traditional seminary studies (classical and modern Arabic, Uṣūl al-fiqh, fiqh, Islamic philosophy & Theology)
Imam Sadiq University, Tehran – Iran


Current position     Institute for Humanities and Cultural Studies, Tehran – Iran
Faculty Member (Assistant Professor)
Center for Qur'anic and Islamic Studies 

April. 2017- Sep. 2020           Imam Sadiq University, Tehran – Iran
  Associate member
Faculty of culture and communication and Islamic Studies

March. 2007- Sep. 2015                  Editor & Arabic Interpreter [Part-time]
 Iranian News Network (IRINN)

Feb. 2011 - March. 2012                 Instructor and Director of Hadith courses at ISU 

Oct. 2011 - March. 2012                 Instructor at Qur’an and Hadith University in Tehran 

June 2004 - May 2005                     Manuscript cataloguer, Iranian National Library, Tehran

Selected International Publications:
    Gerami, S. M. Hadi, ““The Duʿāʾ al-Samāt”: On a Judeo-Shiite Supplication,” submitted to Arabica and is in the final stage of approval(forthcoming).

    Gerami, S. M. Hadi, "The Socio-Political Aspect of Religious Terminologies in Medieval Iran: The Case of “akhbārī-uṣūlī” in Kitāb al-Naqḍ Written by ʻAbd al-Jalīl Qazwīnī Rāzī (d. 560/1165)." Journal of Iranian Islamic Period History (2021). 

    Gerami, S. M. Hadi, “Overlooked Modern Persian-Shiʿi Tafsīr Schools: The Maktab-e Tafkīk in Contemporary Iran,” in: Deconstructing Islamic Studies, edited by Majid Daneshgar and Aaron Hughes Harvarnd University Press, 2020.

    Opposition to philosophy in safavid Iran: Muḥammad Tāhir Qummī's Ḥikmat-ul-‘Ārifīn, S. M. Hadi Gerami & Ata Anzali (critical edition & introduction). Brill, 2017.

    Gerami, S. M. Hadi (Book review), The Bible in Arabic: The Scriptures of the “People of the Book” in the Language of Islam, by Sidney H. Griffith, in: Al-Bayan: Journal of Qur’an and Hadith Studies, Volume 13, Issue 1, Brill, 2015.

    “The Importance of history and perspective to understand medieval philosophy: The case of Maimonides’s response to the question of eternity,” in: the Maghreb review (peer-reviewed), special issue on Islamic philosophy, Vol. 40, no. 3, 2015.

Presentations & Conferences
    Gerami, S. M. Hadi, “Turbat al-Ḥusayn: Modern Presentation of an Early Shīʿī Practice,” Materialities of Everyday Religiosity: Historical and Contemporary Dynamics in Turkey and Iran, Orient-Institut Istanbul, 17-20 June 2021.

    Gerami, S. M. Hadi, “The social context of early Shīʿī critical attitudes to the Qurʾan,” Geschichte des Korans und die neue Koranforschung, Al-Mustafa Institut Berlin, 25 June 2021.

    Gerami, S. M. Hadi, “The idea of “taḥrīf al-Qurʾān” in the second Islamic century Shiism: notes on the explanation and development of taḥrīf traditions,” Schools, Networks and Communities in the Study of Early Shii Hadith, University of Exeter, 27 May 2021.

    Gerami S. M Hadi, From textual tradition to social discourse: on the history-oriented pluralism in contemporary Iran, From textual tradition to social discourse: on the history-oriented pluralism in contemporary Iran, Congress, 2019/11/08, 2019/11/08.

    Gerami S. M Hadi, Hermeneutics of Early Shi'i Ideas: Social Networks as Active Actors in Hadith, The Study of Early Shīʿī Ḥadīth: Sources and Methodology, seminar, 2020/05/20, 2020/05/20

    Invited chair for the International Conference "Making the Impossible Possible. On the Methodology for Editing Medieval Works with Massive Manuscript Tradition", University of Pisa, 27-29 June 2018, organized by Amos Bertolacci and Tommaso Alpina.

    “Shiʻism between Traditionalism and Orientalism: the impact of western scholarship on emergence of a diversified theological trend in Iran,” in panel: Self-identity and Otherness: Shia Approaches to Religious Pluralism, 16th Annual Conference of the European Association for the Study of Religions (EASR 2018: Multiple Religious Identities), University of Bern, 17–21 June 2018.

    "Qiṣaṣ al-Anbīyā’ in Shiʻi supplicatory texts: The case of Samāt supplication and its connection with early Jewish history," the 2017 Annual Meeting of the American Comparative Literature Association (ACLA), in the seminar “Sacred Troubling Topics in Tanakh, New Testament, and Qur'an,” Utrecht, the Netherlands, 6 -9 July, 2017

    “Food Rituals and Formation of Islamic Sectarian Types: The Case of turbat-ul-ḥusain in Shiʻi Collective Memory,” paper prepared for delivery at Pleasure, Providence and Purity: An International Conference on Food and Drink in Islamic Societies and Cultures,” Chinese University of Hong Kong, 27-28 April 2017

    “The conciliatory approach in medieval philosophy: Rereading Maimonides and his attitude to the question of eternity,” The first annual graduate conference of philosophy, Tarbiat Modares University, Tehran, November 2014

    “Documents of Translation Movement in Serve of Arabic papyrology: the Case of Ḥunain b. Isḥāq’s Reports in his Treatise,” the third International Research Conference «The world of Islam: history, society, culture», October 2014, Moscow (accepted but self-declined due to funding opportunities)

    “jadalīyyat-ul-istishrāq-i wa al-ʻaqīdah: muqāranat-un bain al-ittijāh al-islāmī wa al-ittijāh al-istishrāqī fi ʻilm-i tārīkh al-afkār,” [in Arabic] (confrontation of the orientalism and Islamic faith: a comparative study between Muslims’ approaches and orientalists’ approaches to the intellectual history), the international congress: "Horizonte der islamischen Theologie," Goethe University, Frankfurt, 1 -5, September 2014

    “Pre-Eternity or Creation: A Comparative Study of al-Ghazali and Maimonides,” the 2014 International Meeting of the Society of Biblical Literature (SBL), Vienna, July 2014

    "Tafsīr-i bāṭin as the earliest genre of Shiʻi esoteric hermeneutics: The historical meaning and its relationship with the early Imami exegesis," Shiʻi Studies Symposium of UChicago entitled “Reason and Esotericism in Shi‘i Islam,” 4-April 2014 

    “Towards a New School of Qur’an interpretation: The Maktab-i Tafkīk in Contemporary Iran,” Institute of Ismaili Studies, colloquium entitled "Approaches to the Qur’an in Contemporary Iran," London, 2 - 4 September 2013

    “Ambiguity in the lines of demarcation between Akhbārī and Uṣūlī in the last Islamic centuries,” Middle East History and Theory conference (MEHAT), Chicago University, 4 - 5 May 2013

    “Jaigāh-i mīrzāy-i shīrāzī wa ḥawzih samerra dar tārīkh-i shiʻa” [in Farsi]  (The status of Mīrzāy-i Shīrāzī and Samarra seminary in history of Shiʻa), Congress of Imam Ḥasan-i ʻAskarī, Imam Sadiq University, Tehran, spring 2012

    “Dhū marātib būdan-i niẓām-i tashrīʻ-i ilāhī wa irtibāṭ an ba maʻrifat wa dark-i naẓarī” [in Farsi]   (The Gradational Nature of the System of Divine Law and its Relationship with Spiritual and Theoretical Knowledge), World Congress of Philosophy Day, Iranian national library, Tehran, Fall 2010

    “Manāhij al-bayān: talāshī barāy-i pāyiguḍārī maktab-i tafsīrī ḥawzih khurāsān” [in Farsi]  (Manāhij al-Bayān: an attempt to establish the interpretation school of Maktab-i Tafkīk), Islamic Azad University Conference on Methods and Schools of Interpretation, Arak, Iran, 2009

Selected postgraduate & training courses attended
    "Muslims in Europe: Challenges of Pluralism," IIT European summer school with full funding, Sarajevo, Bosnia & Herzegovina, 12 – 24 August 2016

    “Reading Fatwas,” Fall School with full funding, Annemarie Schimmel Kolleg, Bonn, 8 -12 August 2016

    “Environmental Methods in Mamluk and Islamic Studies,” Spring School with full funding, Annemarie Schimmel Kolleg Bonn, 14 -18 March. 2016

    "Ethnographic Fieldwork," Bonn institute of Oriental and Asian studies, Jan. 2016 (Prof. Christoph Antweiler)

    PhD Researcher, Bonn International Graduate School - Oriental and Asian Studies, Oct. 2015 - Aug. 2016

    "The 14th Arabic Papyrology Webclass: Documents on Marriage and Divorce," Institute of Near and Middle Eastern Studies, University of Munich, Nov. 2015-Feb. 2016 (Prof. Andreas Kaplony)

    "Falsafa in the medieval Muslim, Jewish, and Christian traditions," Institute für Islamwissenschaft, Freie Universität Berlin, Oct. 2013-March. 2014 (Prof. Carlos Fraenkel)

    "Social relations between Muslims, Jews and Christians in the Islamic West, 9th-15th centuries CE," Institute für Islamwissenschaft, Freie Universität Berlin, Oct. 2013-March. 2014 (Prof. Camilla Adang)

    "Usul al-fiqh in Muslim, Jewish and Christian Thought: Historical and Theoretical Perspectives," Institute für Islamwissenschaft, Freie Universität Berlin, April-Sep. 2014 (Dr. Gregor Schwarb)

    "Middle Eastern Christianity and Islamic Philosophy: Mutual Influences and Polemic," April-Sep. 2014 (Prof. Sasha Treiger)

    "Critical and historical analysis of the fabricated traditions (Ahādīth)," Imam Sadiq University (Tehran), Oct. 2012-Jan. 2013 (Prof. Ahmad Pakatchi)

    "Introduction to textual criticism," Imam Sadiq University (Tehran), Oct. 2012-Jan. 2013 (Prof. Ahmad Pakatchi)

    "Introduction to semitic languages," Imam Sadiq University (Tehran), Feb-May. 2012 (Prof. Ahmad Pakatchi)

    "Translation studies with focus on the Qur’an," Imam Sadiq University (Tehran), Feb-May. 2012 (Prof. Ahmad Pakatchi)

    "Studying the Sunni canonical primary sources," Imam Sadiq University (Tehran), Oct. 2011-Jan. 2012 (Prof. Ahmad Pakatchi)
    "General linguistics," Imam Sadiq University (Tehran), Oct. 2011-Jan. 2012 (Prof. Farhad Sasani)

    "History of early Islamic sects," Imam Sadiq University (Tehran), Feb-May. 2011 (Prof. Ahmad Pakatchi)

Talks, Invited lectures & Workshops

March 2015        Imam Sadiq University, Tehran - Iran
            ‘How to edit an Islamic Manuscript,’ 
            Workshop in Farsi delivered to PG Students

January 2015                    “A critical discussion on Ghulluw,” 
                                           a meeting conducted by a number of scholars, Iranian         
                                           Qura’nic news Agency (Iqna), Tehran -Iran

November 2014                “Samāt supplication: the reception history and its traces in Talmud,”  
                             Institute of Imamite Studies, Tehran -Iran 

November 2014                 “Discussing the book entitled taʻāmulāt fikrī sīyāsī Imāmīyyah ba mu’tazilah, 
ḥanābilah wa ahsaʻirah dar ʻaṣr-i āl-i būuih,” a critical discussion,
Iranian Book house, Tehran -Iran 

Feb 2014 & Sep 2014       “Between Shiʻism and Judaism in Samāt prayer,” 
                                           Freie Universität Berlin, 
                                           Institut für Islamwissenschaft, 



    "Shī‘i-pajūhī bi mathāb-i tārīkhnigārī fikr: dirangī dar tabār-shināsī wa tamāyuzhay-i yik sunnat-i gharbī" [in Farsi] (Shī‘ī studies and intellectual history: a glance at the filed in its western context), in: māhnāmih iṭṭilā‘āt ḥikmat wa ma‘rifat, no. 8.

    Bijani, Mahdi & Gerami, S. M. Hadi & Kalantari, Abbas, "Rahyāft-hāyī qur‘ānī dabāri ḥuqūq-i kūdak," [in Farsi] (the Qur’an's attitude toward the child rights) in: dufaṣlnāmi takhaṣuṣī pajūhishhāy-i miyān rishtiī qur‘ān karīm, Vol. 4, No. 2, October-February, 2013-2014

    "Rawish-hāy-i zamīnih-sāz-i tarbīatī dar sīr-i ma‘ṣūmīn," [in Farsi] (Preliminary proceedings in Imams' pedagogical behaviors), in: faṣlnāmih baṣīrat wa tarbīāt-i Islāmī, no. 23

    “Qur’an nāṭiq wa qur’an ṣāmit: pajūhishī dar khuṣūṣ-i mabānī tafsīr-i shīʻiy-i imāmīyyih wa takāmul-i an” [Translated from English into Persian] (translation of “The Speaking Quran and the Silent Quran: A Study of the Principles and Development of Imāmī Shiʻi tafsir” written by Mahmoud Ayoub), in: Imamat Pajūhī Quarterly, No. 8, 2013

    “az naẓarīy-i tawṭi’ah tā naẓarīy-i jaryānī; murūrī bar nābisāmānīhāy-i yik naqd bar kitāb-i nukhsutīn munāsibāt-i fikrī tashayyuʻ ” [in Farsi] (Conspiracy theory or social network theory: a response to a critical review of nukhsutīn munāsibāt-i fikrī tashayyuʻ ), in: Kitāb-i Māh-i Dīn, No. 192, 2013 (Qum: Imamat Foundation)

    “wākāwī rābiṭih kalām wa tārīkh-i fikr dar muṭāliʻāt-i shīʻih-shināsī” [in Farsi] (Between theology and intellectual history: The case of Shiʻi studies in orientalists’ tradition), in: Muṭāliʻāt Tārīkh-i Islam Quarterly, No. 17, Nov 2013 (Tehran: Research center for Islamic history)

    “qirā’atī tārīkhī az tafsīr-i bi ra’y wa rābiṭ-i an bā dīdgāh-i mufassir-i al-mīzān” [in Farsi] (A historical reading of tafsīr-i bi-ra’y in comparison with reading of al-Mīzān’s author), in: Tārīkh nigarī wa Tārīkh nigārī, No. 84, May 2013 (Tehran: Al-Zahra University)

    “darāmadī bar shināsāyī jāryānhāy-i imāmīyyih dar Iraq wa Iran dar sadih duwwum wa siwwum-i hijrī” [in Farsi] (A preliminary to identify Imāmī Shiʻi social networks in the second and third Islamic centuries currents in Iraq and Iran), in: Tārīkh-i Tamaddun-i Islāmī, No. 2, 2012 (Tehran: Tehran University)

    “taṭawwur-i guftimān-i tafwīḍ dar sadih duwwum-i hijrī wa ṭiyf-i mufaḍḍal ibn ʻumar” [in Farsi] (Development of the tafwīḍ (delegation) discourse in the second Islamic century and its relation with the current (social network) of Mufaḍḍal b. ʻUmar), in: Tārīkh wa Tamaddun-i Islāmī, No. 15, 2012 (Tehran: Islamic Azad University)

    “mulāḥiẓātī darbārih guftimān-i tafwīḍ dar nukhustīn sadihāy-I Islāmī” [in Farsi] (Some Remarks on the tafwīḍ (delegation) discourse in the early Islamic centuries), in: Imamat Pajūhī Quarterly, No. 4, 2012 (Qum: Imamat Foundation)

    “bāzshināsī jaryān-i ḥishām ibn ḥakam dar tārīkh-i mutaqaddim-i imāmīyyih” [in Farsi] (Studying the current (social network) of Hishām b. Ḥakam in early Imāmī Shiʻism), Muṭāliʻāt Tārīkh-i Islam Quarterly, No. 12, 2012 (Tehran: Research center for Islamic history)

    “ḥikmat-ul-ʻārifīn atharī kamtar shinākht-i shudih az mawlá mohammad tāḥir-i qumī” [in Farsi] (A lesser -known work; Ḥikmat- ul-ʻĀrifīn written by Mawlá Mohammad Tāḥir-i Qumī”, in: Semat Quarterly, No. III, Qum, 2010

    “siyr-i taḥawwul-i khānish-i tafsīr-i bi ra’y dar panj sadih nukhust-i hijrī” [in Farsi] (Development of readings of tafsīr-i bi-ra’y during the first five Islamic centuries), in: Pajooheshe Dini Quarterly, No. 20, Tehran, 2010

    “iṣṭilāḥ-i akhbārī dar siyr-i taḥawwul-i mafhūmī” [in Farsi] (Akhbārī term in conceptual development), in: Hadith Pajoohi, No. 3, 2010 (University of Kashan)

    “kuhantarīn athar-i shīʻī dar sharḥ-i duʻāy-i samāt wa mu’allif-i an” [in Farsi] (The oldest Shiʻi work on the explanation of Samāt supplication and its author), Shīʻih Shināsī Quarterly, No. 33, Qum, 2010

    “manāhij al-bayān; talāshī barāy-i pāyiguḍārī maktab-i tafsīrī ḥawzih khurāsān” [in Farsi] (Manāhij al-Bayān; an attempt to establish the interpretation school of Maktab-i Tafkīk), Pajooheshname Qur’an & Hadith, No. 6, Tehran, 2009

    “iqāmih ḥudūd dar duwrān-i gheiybat; peijūyī naẓarāt andīshmandān dar hizārih awwal-i hijrī ba tikyih bar guftimān-i khitāb dar Āyāt” [in Farsi] (Ḥudūd (Legal penalties) during the occultation period: a qur’anic-based discussion on comments of Islamic scholars of the tenth Islamic centuries), in: Proceedings of the Twenty-fifth International Conference of Holy Qur’an. Teharn: Oswih, 2009

    “nāwaḍiḥī ingārih akhbāri dar sadihāy-i akhīr-i hijrī” [in Farsi] (Ambiguous nature of Akhbārī term in the recent Islamic centuries), in: Balāgh-i Mubīn Quarterly, No. 16, 2008 (Tehran: Imam Sadiq University)

Book Chapters

    Gerami, S. M. Hadi & Nasravi, M. “kārbast-i guftmān-kāwī tārīkhī dar muṭāli‘āt tārīkh-i andīshi: guftman muḥammad pas az waqi‘ih ‘āshūrā bi mathāb-i yek nimūni" [in Farsi] (application of historical discourse analysis in Islamic intellectual history: the case of "Muḥḥammad discourse" after ‘Āshūrā), in: Proceedings of the third International Congress of Islamic Humanities (submitted in 2015)

    "Jaryān-shināsī tārīkhī wa naqsh ān dar ḥall-i ta‘āruḍ-hāy-i guzārishhāy-i rijālī" [in Farsi] (The importance of social network analysis for understanding the early Islamic biographical reports), in: Ahamad Pakatchi & S. M. Hadi Gerami (ed.), New approaches to the Hadith studies. Imam Sadiq University Press, Tehran (submitted in 2017)

    “darīchih-ī bi muṭāliʻāt-i tārīkh-i fikr dar ʻulūm-i islāmi” [in Farsi] (A preliminary methodological discussion on the state of history of thought in Islamic studies), in: Proceedings of the First International Congress of Islamic Humanities, Vol. 2. Tehran: Aftāb-i Tuwsiʻih, 2015

    “jaygāh-i imām riḍā dar adabīyāt-i sīrih nigārī wa manāqib nigārī sadih-hāyi nukhust wa mīyānih” [in Farsi] (The status of Imam Riḍā in historical and Manāqib literature during the first and medieval centuries), in: Ahmad Pakatchi (Ed.), abʻād-i shakhṣīyyat wa zindigānī Imam Riḍā, Vol.1 .Tehran: Imam Sadiq University Press, 2014

    “jaigāh-i mīrzāy-i shīrāzī wa ḥawzih samerra dar tārīkh-i shiʻa” [in Farsi] (The status of Mīrzāy-i Shīrāzī and Samarra seminary in history of Shiʻa), in: Proceedings of the Congress of Imam Ḥasan-i ʻAskarī. Tehran, Imam Sadiq University Press, 2013

    “jāygāh-i iṣṭlāḥ-i shīʻiy-i uṣūlīyyih dar guftimān-i kalāmī ʻabd al-jalīl qazwīnī rāzī” [in Farsi] (The meaning of the term Shiʻa Uṣūlīyyih in conception of ʻAbd al-Jalīl Qazwīnī Rāzī), in: Proceedings of the Congress of Commemoration of ʻAbd al-Jalīl Qazwīnī Rāzī. Qum: Dār al-Hadith, 2012

    “iqāmih ḥudūd dar duwrān-i gheiybat; peijūyī naẓarāt andīshmandān dar hizārih awwal-i hijrī ba tikyih bar guftimān-i khitāb dar Āyāt” [in Farsi] (Ḥudūd (Legal penalties) during the occultation period: a qur’anic-based discussion on comments of Islamic scholars of the tenth Islamic centuries), in: Proceedings of the Twenty-fifth International Conference of Holy Qur’an. Teharn: Oswih, 2009

Book reviews
    "Between Discourse and Counter-Discourse: Mark R. Cohen’s Mythology of Persecution of Jews in the Middle Ages," a review of Under Crescent and Cross: The Jews in the Middle Ages, by Mark Cohen, available at: toumar.info

Critical editions
    Taqī al-Dīn al-Kafʻamī, Ṣafwat al-Ṣifāt fi Sharḥ-i Duʻā-i al-Samāt, S. M. Hadi Gerami (ed.). Qum: Maktabat-ul-‘allamat-ul-majlisī, 2021 (forthcoming)

    Mīrzā Seyed Hussein Ṭabāṭabāyī Nā’īnī, Tadkirih Thamar, S. M. Hadi Gerami & Saʻid Anwārī (eds.), in: Mīrāth-i Bahāristān (First issue). Tehran: Iranian Parliament Library Research Center, 2010

    Shaikh Ḥurr-i al-ʻĀmilī, Tawātur al-Qur’an, ed. S. M. Hadi Gerami. Tehran: Dār al-Kutub al-Islāmīyyah, 2005

    Seyed ʻAlīkhān Madanī Shīrāzī, al-Kalim al-Ṭayyib, ed. S. M. Hadi Gerami. Tehran: Shabar, 2004

    Gerami, S. M. Hadi, On Methodology of intellectual history in Islamic studies (Persian). Tehran: Imam Sadiq University Press, 2018.

    Gerami, S. M. Hadi, The Earliest Shi'i ideas on Hadith (Persian). Tehran: Imam Sadiq University Press, 2018.

    Gerami, S. M. Hadi, nakhustīn munāsibāt-i fikrī tashayuʻ: bāzkhānī mafhūm-i ghuluww dar andīsh-i jaryānhāy-i mutiqaddim imāmī [in Farsi] (The First Shiʻi Doctrinal Interactions: Revisiting the concept of ghuluww in the thought of early Imāmī currents). Tehran: Imam Sadiq University Press, 2012

    Gerami, S. M. Hadi, mabādi’-u fikrat-i al-rajʻah ʻind-a al-imāmīyyah [in Arabic] (Principles of Rajʻah in Imāmī Faith). Tehran: Shabar, 2008

    Gerami, S. M. Hadi, dar intiẓar-i rushanāyī [in Farsi] (five articles about the twelfth Shiʻi Imam). Tehran: Shabar, 2008

    Gerami, S. M. Hadi, arzāq al-mu’minīn [in Farsi] (Regarding the Concept of Rizq in Qur’an and Hadith). Tehran: Shabar, 2003

Edited volumes
    M. Salmanejad & S. M. Hadi Gerami (ed.), New approaches to the Hadith studies. Imam Sadiq University Press, Tehran, 2018.

Translated books
    M. B. Majlisī, zindigānī payāmbar-i mā [Arabic into Persian] (translation of vol. 18 of Biḥār al-Anwar regarding the Prophet Mohammad). Tehran: Dār al-Kutub al-Islāmīyyah, 2012

    Shaikh Muhammad Taqī Shūshtarī, khābhāy-i rāstīn [Arabic into Persian] (translation of Āyāt-un Bayyināt fī Ḥaqqīyat-i baʻḍ-i al-Manāmāt). Tehran: Dar al-Kutub al-Islamiyyah, 2007

    Teaching classical Islamic courses such as jurisprudence (fiqh), Islamic logic, Islamic philosophy, Kalam, classical Arabic & Persian literature

    Editing and Cataloging of Persian and Arabic manuscripts

    Proficiency in media & political issues of the Middle East

    Familiarity with sīyāq writing system (Pre-modern Persian writing system of finance bureaus)

    Familiarity with digital humanities and advanced proficiency in conducting research upon Islamic studies softwares

    Persian (Native)

    Arabic (Near native/Fluent - classical and modern- familiarity with Iraqi dialect)

    English (Very Good)

    German (Basic)

    Hebrew (Elementary)

Honors and Awards

    The author of the best book in Faculty of Theology, Imam Sadiq University, during the research festivals of 2008, 2007, 2006, and 2005

    nakhustīn munāsibāt-i fikrī tashayuʻ: bāzkhānī mafhūm-i ghuluww dar andīsh-i jaryānhāy-i mutiqaddim imāmī (The First Shiʻi Doctrinal Interactions: Revisiting the concept of ghuluww in the thought of early Imāmī currents). Tehran: Imam Sadiq University Press, 2012:

o    The best Persian book published in Iran in the field of Kalam during summer 2012, appreciated by Iranian Book House, winter 2013

o    The best book of Faculty of Islamic studies, Imam Sadiq University, Fall 2012

o    The best book in the field of philosophy and religion in Annual festival of graduate student books, Tehran University, fall 2012

Professional Memberships
    International Qur'anic Studies Association (IQSA)

    Society of Biblical Literature (SBL)

    The Islamic Manuscript Association (TIMA)

    The Ernst-Reuter-Gesellschaft at Freie Universität Berlin (ERG)

    Authors Association of Iranian Book House

    Iranian National Foundation of Elites (BMN)

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