Iranian studies course for Russian Orientalists (2-12 October)

15 October 2019 | 10:58 Code : 18705 important news news
The Iranian Studies course for Russian Orientalists was held on 2-12 of October, 2019 at the Institute for Humanities and Cultural Studies.
Iranian studies course for Russian Orientalists (2-12 October)

The Institute for Humanities and Cultural Studies has organized an Iranian Studies course for some Russian Orientalists from various universities of Russia, in line with its international activities in the field of comprehensive introduction of Iranian cultural dimensions.

In this unique event which organized by the International office for Scientific Collaboration and in cooperation by the Ibn Sina Islamic Culture Research Foundation was a priority for planning to focus on the spirit of Iranian culture and recognizing the different aspects and characteristics of this culture that distinguishes it from other parts of Islamic culture and civilization.

In this course, which specifically targeted different layers and aspects of Iranian culture from the perspective of non-Iranian audiences, anonymous professors and authors from institute and out of it were invited. The prominent professors of the course were: Dr. Karim Mojtahedi, Dr. Taghi Pournamdarian,  Professor Ali Akbar Sobout, Mr. Hassan Mirabedini, Dr. Ahmad Pakhtchi, Dr. Ali Asghar Mosleh, Kambiz Navai, Dr. Zahra Mojagh, Dr. Parviz Jahed, Dr. Janolah Karimi Motahhar,  Dr. Amir Maziar, Dr. Ahmad Sadri, Dr. Abtin Golkar and  Adept Esrafil Shirchi who give lectures and workshops on Mysticism and Mystical Literature, Contemporary Iranian Literature and Poetry, Philosophy of Art and Aesthetics, Philosophy of Illumination, Islamic Architecture, Literary Studies, Literature Contemporary in Iran, Music, Cinema and Calligraphy. Theoretical lectures of this course were mainly conducted at the Institute for Humanities and cultural studies, and practical workshops were held at the participants' visit to the Cinema Museum of Iran, the Calligraphy Workshop of artist Esrafil Shirchi and the Museum of Music.

In addition, participants of the course, who had a variety of specialties such as literature, philosophy, Islamic history, linguistics, economics, and psychology, visited the Malik National Museum of Iran, also to spending 60 hours of theoretical lessons. They also watched two movies "Bad-e Saba"[The Lover’s Wind] and Gav [the Cow] at Farabi Cinema Foundation and Theater of "Fatherland" at teatr-e shahr [City Theater of Tehran].

The closing ceremony of this course was held on 12 of October, 2019 by participant of Dr. Hossein Ali Ghobadi, Head of the Institute for Humanities cultural studies, and some of the course’s professors and faculty members at the Andisheh Hall.

At the event, firstly Dr. Shokooh Sadat Hosseini, director of the International office for Scientific Collaboration, presented a brief report on the course. Then Dr. Karim Mojtahedi and Dr. Taghi Pournamdarian, two professors of institute, briefly emphasized the need for such courses, especially with the presence of Orientalists and Iranian cultural experts. After them, two Russian participants expressed their views on this period and appreciated the founders of the course and asked for the continuation of Iranian-Russian cultural relations at this level.

At the end, Dr. Ghobadi, after a short lecture, awarded the course certificates to the professors and participants.

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